The Community

Who we are


The Canção Nova Community was born from the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi (Pope Paul VI). Based on this inspiration and with the authorization of the Bishop of the time, Dom Afonso de Miranda, Mons. Jonas Abib made the first call to young people who felt the need to give their lives entirely to God,

in community. THe community grew and formed with men and women, yong and old, single, married, and celibate, priests and deacons. Currently, there are more than 600 members spread across different mission fronts throughout Brazil and the world. Recognized in 2008 by the Pontifical Council for the laity as a private international association of believers, endowed with legal personality, it has headquarters in the city of Cachoeira Paulista, Diocese of Lorena, Sao Paulo – Brazil.

The term Canção Nova corresponds to a new song, a theme that runs through the entire history of salvation: it is the song of the redeemed, the song of new women and men for the New Word. The Cançao Nova Community is committed to being this song for the Church and for the world and intends to be, in the Church, the “House of Mary”, understanding this expression in the biblical sense: of the descent of Mary, of the race of Mary, her mother and educator.

The foundation of the Canção Nova Community and the Gospel: to live and communicate it in an integral way, in the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit, while waiting and presenting the glorious coming of the Lord, it must be the commitment of all members. The Canção Nova is called to be the House of Mercy.

Our Charisma


The Canção Nova Charism is a renewed and prioritized way of taking the personal experience of the encounter with Jesus Christ in the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit. It aims at the formation of new men for the New Word, through evangelization, in order to prepare and hasten the glorious coming of the Lord. Today the church has been given free grace: a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit is sent to carry out its mission in communion with the whole Church.

Our Mission


The mission of the Canção Nova is to evangelize and to communicate Jesus Christ and the new life that He brought, with the goal of training new women and men to the New World. Everything that the Community does, all evangelization carried out, the meetings, the work and the life of the members is based on this objective, which is to lead the personal encounter with Christ.

The driving force of all evangelizing action in the Canção Nova Community is to prepare people who are willing for the glorious coming of the Lord. This reality expresses the apostolicity of the Community.

The members live for the sake of evangelization, everything they do has this sole purpose.


Luzia Santiago



Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of Canção Nova Community


Luzia Santiago
Co-Founder of Canção Nova Community


Wellington Silva Jardim
Co-Founder of Canção Nova Community