
The mission of the Canção Nova is to evangelize and to communicate Jesus Christ and the new life that He brought, with the goal of training new women and men to the New World.


The Canção Nova Charism is a renewed and prioritized way of taking the personal experience of the encounter with Jesus Christ in the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit.


* Authority and Submission * Sharing and Transparency * Healthy Coexistence * Live on Providence * Live Reconciled

Christian Media Center
Partnership between the Canção Nova Community and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land

Between 2007 and 2008, the first partnership between the Custody of the Holy Land and the Canção Nova Community was established. This has allowed it to carry out its charism in both a wider and more focused way through the mission of evangelizing through the media.
In the beginning, everything was very simple, but gradual growth culminated in the creation of a media center, originally named Franciscan Media Center before, and in 2014, being renamed the Christian Media Center (CMC).

Who we are

The Canção Nova Community was born from the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi (Pope Paul VI). Based on this inspiration and with the authorization of the Bishop of the time,
Dom Afonso de Miranda, Mons. Jonas Abib made the frst call to young people who felt the need to give their lives entirely to God, in community. THe community grew and formed with men
and women, yong and old, single, married, and celibate, priests and deacons. Currently, there are more than 600 members spread across different mission fronts throughout Brazil and the
world. Recognized in 2008 by the Pontifcal Council for the laity as a private international association of believers, endowed with legal personality, it has headquarters in the city of Cachoeira Paulista, Diocese of Lorena, Sao Paulo – Brazil.