The Canção Nova Community in Nazareth


In one of his visits to the Holy Land, Monsignor Jonas received a proposal from the former Maronite Bishop, Paul Saiah, to  take charge of the area of the old Maronite Church in the city of Nazareth in order to develop a media evangelization project and to send a priest to help in the local Church. Nazareth would thus have a more pastoral character.

On March 12, 2013, the Canção Nova Community joyfully began its activities in Nazareth.

That same year, Msgr. Bruno Varriano, a Franciscan priest and then the Guardian of the Basilica of the Annunciation, and the Discretorium of the Custody of the Holy Land, proposed a partnership with the Sanctuary to broadcast its main celebrations and activities.

The proposal was accepted and these works began with the program Na Escola de Nazaré. With the development and expansion of this mission, the office was relocated to the one of the buildings in the compound of the Basilica, and later on was incorporated to the Christian Media Center, and in mid 2014 – 2015 the Nazareth regional office of the CMC was created.

Institution of two Front Missions: Nazareth and Jerusalem


On 15 August 2019, the General Council of the Canção Nova Community expanded the potential of the Holy Land Mission, transforming it into two Mission Fronts – that is, establishing Nazareth as a new Mission Frontso that Jerusalem and Nazareth continue to operate in a spirit of communion, but independently.