Join the Community

Are you attracted to Canção Nova Community?

The Vocational Path is a time of discernment and encounter with God’s will. Candidates receive the invitation to discern with God and the vocational team whether or not they have a call to a life of total commitment to the Canção Nova (New Song) Charism.

At what age can you start the Vocational Path


The minimum age to start the Vocation Path for Núcleo is 16 and the maximum age is 28 (Note: for those under 18, parental consent is required). To join the Núcleo, the candidate must be single, not dating and without children. For the Segundo Elo the minimum age is 16 and the maximum age is 60.

When does the Vocational Discernment begin and how long does it last?

Members from the first years of the Community

The Vocational Path with Canção Nova has a minimum duration of 2 years, which can be extended if there is a need, both on the part of the vocational team and the candidate. The Vocational Path starts from the Redão (big net).

The Redão is a meeting where those who feel they have a call to the Canção Nova charism can participate and live an experience where they can come to know Canção Nova better and discern their vocation.

What is the Building Up Project? Construindo

The Building Up Project (Projeto Construindo) is an initiative of the Canção Nova Community which aims to accompany pre-candidates who contact us after the Redão (our first meeting and it always takes place at the beginning of the year) and to guide those who are not yet old enough to begin their Vocational Path.

Can I be a seminarian or priest in the Community?

What is God´s dream for you?

"What is God´s dream for you?" CN Seminarians

We are a very diverse ecclesial family and within that family are those who sense the call to priesthood. After two years of vocational follow-up (pre-discipleship and discipleship), if the community believes the young men are suitable, they can ask to enter the seminary of the Canção Nova Community.

What is the difference between Núcleo and Segundo Elo?

The Canção Nova Community Núcleo members are those who dedicate themselves full-time to the service of the mission, leaving home, work, studies, relationships, and so on to live in community.

The Segundo Elo members also live out their commitment to the Canção Nova Community, but they remain in their local reality. They live out the Canção Nova Charism in its totality, sanctifying the environment in which they are present and being the arms of Canção Nova where the Núcleo members cannot reach.

What should I do first?

If you feel a call to the Canção Nova Community, it is important to have had the experience of a personal encounter with Jesus and to be involved in the activities of your parish, such as catechesis, pastoral work or movements. It is important to have lived the experience of Baptism in the Holy Spirit, experiencing the charismatic gifts. You must be studying or have completed high school. The candidate must live chastity and seek maturity and balance in their affections and sexuality. A life of prayer and cultivating a relationship with God is essential. To begin the Vocational Path to Núcleo, the person must not be in a committed dating or engagement relationship.

If you wish to know more about the Vocational Path to the Canção Nova Community, send us an email:

Núcleo in the Canção Nova Community

Segundo Elo in the Canção Nova Community

A life of integral dedication. This is how a Canção Nova consecrated member who has made his or her commitment in the community’s Núcleo lives. The Directory of Canção Nova (an internal document) outlines the Núcleo main characteristics:

The missionary activity of the members of the Núcleo takes place in the Canção Nova Missions and/or in partner organizations, such as the João Paulo II Foundation and other partnership institutions. Wherever they are, they are committed to evangelization, contributing to the spread of the Kingdom of God.

The Núcleo consecrated members who are single, celibate, seminarians or priests, live in community residences, either on the premises of the Community itself or in houses near each other in order to encourage fraternal coexistence. They are either female or male residences.

The Segundo Elo members are those who form an alliance around the Núcleo. They do not live in a full-time experience. They continue to live in their own residences. They are called to live the identity and mission of the Canção Nova Community in the ordinary conditions of their family, profession and social life.

The Community is formed by Núcleo and Segundo Elo members, two modes of commitment to the same Charism, which are experienced in different and complementary ways.

Speaking about the constitution of the Community, Monsignor Jonas teaches that “when God thought of Canção Nova, He thought of it with the people who would make it happen over time. God created us Canção Nova. We were thought of together. In the course of time, we would emerge one after the other but we were already conceived together. We were conceived in a single creative act. We were created Canção Nova, with Canção Nova or being and living the Canção Nova mission.”

It can be said, based on this statement by the founder, that in this single creative act God formed the Community as a whole, both Núcleo and Segundo Elo. These modes of commitment came to fulfillment each in their own time and with their own peculiar characteristics.


Canção Noca Núcleo Members

A dedication to the integral life

Segundo Elo Characteristics

The availability of the Núcleo consecrated members for relocation in the various states of life is due to their missionary commitment to the community, and in a spirit of obedience, they make themselves available for the apostolate in any situation or place. If there are concrete obstacles that could limit the relocation, they will be evaluated by the General Council.

The Núcleo consecrated members are responsible for the perpetuation of the Canção Nova charism, because our first call is to live in community and community living is the source of the charism. But perpetuation must be understood as zeal and fruitful continuity of the Charism so that it does not deviate from its original inspiration.


The specific field of action of Segundo Elo members is to live the Canção Nova Charism in the ordinary realities of their own lives, becoming an extension of the Canção Nova mission in the evangelization and sanctification of the world. Their missionary work can take place in the Mission Front closest to their home or in a more intense way, in the local Church, in the family, at work and in society;
Each member of this mode of commitment lives in their own home and supports themselves with their own resources.

The Segundo Elo members ensure their own family and economic maintenance through their work. Given the very nature of this mode of commitment, they have autonomy and responsibility in the administration of assets, based on evangelical criteria for their use.
Although relocations are not part of the Segundo Elo living, in some cases where the conditions are favorable, the member can present to Canção Nova Community General Council their availability to work on another Mission Front.



Our first call is to live in community

First and foremost, Canção Nova is a leaven to the community bringing life and transformation to the society in which it is present, a work of God for nowadays. Canção Nova’s rules of life are a school of holiness, forming New Men and Women for the New World. We are not an already perfect model of life, but a hard-working model of life, struggling day after day in this school of holiness to move from the old man to the new man.

We are formed in the workshop of life. It is a process that will take a lifetime to “bring out” and give birth to the new man, the new creature in the image of Jesus Christ, the New Man. To generate and give birth to a renewed community, the model of a new system of society, the living cell of a new humanity, of a new world to come.


They have a participation in spreading the charism due to the fact that they have a fixed residence, and are familiar with the realities of society and the local Church, they can help the Núcleo members of the Mission Front in their relationship with the Church, with the people of God and in the inculturation of society.

Canção Nova Segundo Elo´s members

This is what evangelizing is: giving a life that is lived!

Canção Nova is made for others. Its specific mission is to evangelize, to communicate Jesus Christ and the new life He brought us, through meetings and the media. This is something of our essence and identity. First and foremost, each of us is consecrated, which leads us to an austere, sober and humble life in order to spread the seed of a New Generation throughout the world. The Lord projects us into this reality that “a community can only flourish if it exists for a purpose outside itself”.

Our essential purpose is to be a Community of Evangelization for ourselves and for the others, having Jesus and Mary as our model. There are other keys as important as these I haven’t mentioned here, but we will discover them, little by little, as each of us allows ourselves to be penetrated by this wonderful mystery, the Canção Nova Charism.


If you have any more questions, contact us: