Our principles

Our Principles

In the Canção Nova Community, members are called to live five Life Principles which are the values that govern the way of being and acting for all members of the Community.

They were identified from the experience inspired by the Word of God.

Therefore, they are indispensable in all circumstances and areas of action of missionaries.

Healthy Convivence


The Canção Nova Community is made up of women and men, young and adults, married, single and celibate, priests and deacons.
But, first of all, they are sisters and brothers and they must be treated as so, therefore, all the members must have the maximum effort to avoid the chances that can be an obstacle to the experience of chastity.

To live of Providence


The Canção Nova Community has the grace to experience every day the fulfillment of the promise that the Lord makes them:
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and ist justice and everything else will be given to you in addition’ (Cf. Mt 6, 25-33). God urges to invest the life in the Gospel, in the trust and in the loving Providence of the Father: God had provided” (Cf. Gn 22,8).

Authority and Submission


With docility of mind and heart, the will of God is always accomplished in everything, which manifests itself through the Magisterium of the Church and the authorities constituted in it. All must be obedient to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him, especially to the bishop of the diocese where the Mission Front is located.

All members must also be aware of, in matters relating to the nature and purposes of the association, the authorities constituted in the Canção Nova Community. the members who are called to exercise authority, assume it in an attitude of service because of the mission. In this way, the associative body that is the Canção Nova Community, coordinated and harmonious, fully, and efficiently fulfills its vocation.

Sharing and Transparency


Sharing and transparency are key realities in the achievement of fraternity. In the daily coexistence and in community and service meetings, we need to move forward in transparency with each other. It is essential to share what we think and feel, our aspirations and desires, our motivations, our projects, our difficulties.

Nothing should be hidden, crammed into the heart. This is how we achieve deep relationships: we make ourselves known and know others in depth. This living in the light for transparency and sharing is just as important as prayer.

When you neglect one thing or another, life gets complicated: tensions grow, judgments, murmurings, conflicts arise.

Live reconciled

The Canção Nova Community is made up of human and fragile people. Each one must continually strive to correct in himself those attitudes and ways of being that do not build fraternal life in community. Reconciled living is a duty off all members who must always and as soon as possible (Cf. Mt 5, 23-24; Ef 4,26b) forgive each other of the offenses received (Cf. Mt 18, 21-22).